Friday 17 June 2011

A Long Time Coming...


I have finally found a few moments to fill you in on why I have been absent for so long!

My last post was just before a two week holiday to California. It was fantastic; my boyfriend and I saw as much as we possibly could. From San Diego to Las Vegas. Grand Canyon to San Fransisco! It was definitely a trip of a life time.....

I was then brought immediately back to reality, as my university Final Major Project deadline was looming. I tried with all my mite to get all of my practical work completed before my trip- and I am extremely glad I managed to because I simply wouldn't have been able to cope otherwise.

I had less then two weeks to finalise my sketchbook, trim and iron all of my samples and mount them. and decide on a final display to put up on the day of hand in!

I must say it was not the most enjoyable few weeks, but the feeling I had once everything was completed, mounted, typed and presented was fantastic. I had finally come to the end of my 3rd year of my university course and I was so pleased with my final project.

.....( I will add photos very soon!)

Since then I have had a little break and trying to decide what my next step is. Next week (21st June to 2nd July) I have my degree show at The Arts University College at Bournemouth which will be great to see my fellow peers work displayed all together and it will show off all of the talent out there.

The week after (29th June to 2nd July) is the New Designers show in Islington, London at the Business Design Centre- which I urge everybody to check out! My university has a stand in the centre of the show, which will be brilliant to exhibit all of our work.  It will be a very tiring few weeks, but fingers crossed it will all be well worth it!

Wish me luck :)

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