Monday 21 February 2011

Final Major Project

My 'Extended Major Project' began by collecting imagery of classic cars and motorcycles. I have always been interested in classic cars, even more so since the purchase of my Mini Cooper over a year ago. 

I was interested in the mechanics of the vehicles and the surfaces they are made from. The cogs, chains, screws and bolts all jump out at me as patterns that I am able to work with in print and Photoshop. By picking one element at a time I will experiment in placing them into repeat patterns and creating interior designs for wallpapers and fabric's.

This colour palette was inspired by the current issue of Mix Magazine, yet it has been altered to become more personal for my project. By using my photographs from visits to the Beaulieu Motor Museum and the Haynes International Motor Museum I was able to gather my colours. They are similar to the trend forecast- including the mustard yellow and the extremely dark blue- yet they are all taken from one photograph (top) using the pipette tool on Photoshop.

During the paper development stage I thoroughly enjoyed using hand cutting techniques to layer textures with patterns. These are very successful as they are eye catching and I can imagine them being used for large scale pieces in an architectural environment.

Repeat patterns cut either by hand or using the laser cutter work well when overlaying different textures. I will experiment further with this and try using both fabric's and papers to achieve a similar effect.
...After my latest critique I have decided to experiment and sample with plastics and faux leather. As the project has a masculine theme to the imagery, the use of 'masculine' fabrics will create a more sophisticated end result. I will use both shiny and matt finished surfaces to print on and reflect on which methods are most successful. Metallic fabrics and finishes will also be used- including foiling.

1 comment:

  1. Watching with interest as you work on your final project. It's starting to look good and we know you have lots of work to post. Looking forward to seeing more.
